Decor that makes a difference … I love No Mas!
“el amor nace de una mirada”
Our challenge with No Mas! Cantina was to showcase the best of Mexico regarding the arts & crafts and place them in a restaurant environment. The original building was mostly a blank canvas in the form of a big empty metal warehouse void of everything. The project required a complete architectural plan that would transform this “box” into a split level dining and shopping experience. The entire venue was designed and constructed with the guest experience in mind. We created all of the furnishings, lighting and decor especially for the space. Even the bar was custom made, all authentic and visually exciting!

Make the most of your decor by hitting these key locations in your restaurant.
- First Impression, front door, curbside view
- Hostess
- Rear Focal Point
- Bar
- Center of Dining Area
First impressions are lasting; try and give it your best when inviting a guest to enter your restaurant. At No Mas! Cantina we installed a fifteen foot tall sculpture of the famous “Catrina”. She is made by the hand of a true Mexican sculptor and stands at the corner of the gardens welcoming guests. The first encounter guests have with the restaurant in this location is when they enter the patio. We used the wonderful glow of Onyx by fabricating the table tops of this stone and illuminating them from below in a custom made table base.

At the host area we added some splashing colorful items that catch the eye and give the guests a headstart on their joyful adventure into the restaurant. The wooden “Pancho” sculpture bears the NoMas! name and is endlessly photographed for social media.
Through out the dining area we installed interesting artifacts like a 100 year old Mexican confessional and giant hand carved Cantera stone urns filled with tropical plants. Careful to create a visual at every opportunity and not make it look too crowded, we placed lights and accents with a harmonic balance.

In order to draw the guests visually into their new environment we chose distant focal points and marked them with large authentic paintings. Since this restaurant is so huge we decided to theme each area and use a specific artist’s painting to each. The results are not only visually pleasing but offer conversation opportunity between staff and patron. These small “galleries” of art work also open another sales channel for the restaurant as often the patrons will want to purchase the artwork.

How to create a visual space using lighting. Here is an excellent opportunity to further the sophistication of your brand. Nothing to do with stuffiness, to the contrary … bring color and make a part of the restaurant cozy and warm, plus visually exciting. We did it here in this area where breakfast is served. It’s called ADios Cafe and the diners have responded incredibly well to the decor; without the decor there would be just walls and floor. We added this huge blown glass light fixture to hold the area together. This anchor has actually sold several times so each time we create a new amazing chandelier. The tall curtains warm up the feeling, and the “floating” woven spherical basket lamps lend some magic to the tall ceiling.

Use each opportunity to impress a guest. It is very important to constantly inspire your guests. Everything from the menu to the lighting should work together. Create a WOW.
Give your guest something to take home … photos! In case you have been under a rock for a decade the new advertising is called social media. Think about how to get you guests to help you advertise. At No Mas! Cantina Mexican Restaurant the opportunities abound and the guest response shows for the sheer umber of photos that are posted every day. The way we did it was to locate inspirational objects, sculptures, murals, paintings, pottery lighting and even the custom furniture so that our guests WANT to take photos and WANT to post the photos to show their friends where they are having a meal. We placed the wooden “Pancho” boracho cowboy sculptures right at the entrance. And, guess what our happy guests take many photos arm in arm with their new “friends” at No Mas! Making the most of every opportunity count for ‘Instagramming’ … ‘facebooking’ … ‘snapchatting’ … ‘tiktokin’ … get the picture? 😉

So whats left? Take away merchandise, it works when customers love your restaurant! T-shirts, sweatshirts and hats are all great. For No Mas! Cantina we created a special line of blown glass pitchers, margarita glasses and barware. One, they make the drinks look great. Imagine getting your pitcher of delicious Margaritas in an incredible ‘yard’ tall hand blown art glass container. It has become known as the “Margarita bilboard” since so many other nearby tables are intrigued each time one travels out to the dining room. We also branded the glassware with the company logo so now it is collectible and the guests love to buy a new glass each time they come in to dine. “Here is your Margarita, I hope you enjoy it … and don’t forget, if you’d like to take the glass home I can just add $10 to your tab, and its yours!”
Keeping the theme of a modern Mexican Restaurant was the key to decking out No Mas! Cantina. We are proud to say that within the first few months of opening the restaurant was awarded a city wide ‘Design Excellence” award. Recognition of course is very rewarding and we are so proud of the accomplishment. Also gratifying is the customer feed back and amazing loyalty that the restaurant has gained for wonderful service, delicious innovative food and of course amazing decoration!